Meet The Founder: 3 Ways That Jessica Walrack is Changing The Freelance Writing Industry

Feb 29, 2024

In this interview series, we had the honor of speaking with Jessica Walrack.

Jessica Walrack is a freelance finance journalist for industry-leading publications including Investopedia, CBS News MoneyWatch, and US News and World. She’s also the founder of All Things Freelance Writing, a community that helps freelance writers build their ideal writing businesses. 

We recently got the chance to interview her on our podcast, Visibility Era as well. Tune in below.

Can you please tell us a little bit about your story? We love to hear about the brand, but here at Visibility on Purpose, we are firm believers that our stories shape how we actually do business.

Sure! I started freelance writing in 2013 as a way to supplement my income while living abroad in Costa Rica with my husband and son. It ended up taking off and becoming my primary source of income. Now, eleven years and 13 countries later, I’m still writing and am happy to have built a sustainable career as a provider of finance blogs and articles. 

Did you ever have an AHA moment that led you to starting your business? If so, what happened? 

After about six years, I reached a point in my writing business where I was feeling very stuck and frustrated. I was having trouble getting past a certain income leveI. Additionally, I was dealing with a lot of problems that made my business stressful like fluctuating work, late payments, and project bottlenecks. 

All that led me to make some changes. I got serious about figuring out what the next level of my business looked like — ideally — and reverse-engineered a plan to create it. Lo’ and behold, a year later, I was in a much different place. My business had evolved into something that was far more profitable, efficient, and enjoyable. That shift, and all the extra time it brought me, inspired me to start All Things Freelance Writing (ATFW) — an online resource that helps writers build their ideal freelance businesses. 

Now, can you share what you're doing differently in your industry? Why do your clients choose to work with you over someone else?

For my writing business: I niched way down in an area that’s in high demand. I now know exactly who my ideal clients are, I know their pain points inside and out, and I know what they need. As a result, I’ve been able to build an online presence that speaks to them. I have lots and lots of proof that builds trust and removes any doubts they may have about hiring me. That’s helped to attract a steady stream of ideal clients who are ready to get to work!

And for All Things Freelance Writing, the brand brings together the voices and wisdom of many experienced freelance writers. It’s a place where you can learn from a variety of real writers who have been in the trenches and found their way to success. I think it’s important to bring a wide range of perspectives together because there’s not a single path to success as a freelance writer — although there do tend to be some common threads! 

Can you give us three transformative ways that your work is changing your industry…and honestly the world?

As a writer, especially now that my work is reaching hundreds of thousands of readers, I feel an immense responsibility to get to the root of any topic I’m covering and share the truth of what I find in a balanced way. My aim is not to tell anyone what they should do or to push any agenda, but to arm people with facts and a variety of perspectives that can help them make informed decisions.

As the founder of All Things Freelance Writing, my main driving purpose is to help more people get to a place where they feel empowered and free in their lives... Where they can decide when they work, who they work with, how they spend their days, and where they want to live. An optimized freelance writing business can make all that possible so ATFW provides a growing and ever-evolving roadmap.

Do you have a particular story about a client that you’d like to share? Maybe one that really highlights the impact of your work?

There’s been a truly incredible response to the ATFW job board and jobs newsletter (where we share 20-30+ open freelance writing positions each week). I’ve gotten so many messages from writers saying it’s helped them land clients. It’s always music to my ears because I know the difference even a single client can make in a person’s business and life. 

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