Not Every Business Is A Good Fit For Media Exposure๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡

pr Jun 29, 2023

For example, if you're just getting your business idea off the ground without a solid offer, it's probably not the time to be pitching your business to podcasts or media contacts.

Let's talk for a moment about what the media specifically is looking for.

Editors and journalists are tasked with writing articles on topics that are timely, relevant, newsworthy and interesting.

Oftentimes, they look to experts to provide commentary to support their story idea.

Let's say an editor is writing about the rise of technology, they would appreciate words and expertise from those in the tech industry.

Back to the main point...

If you have an established business that generates revenue, has solid offers, has clients (or products that are selling), has a website and good social presence, media exposure is an avenue to grow your audience and expand your reach.

You have options...

  • hire a publicist (they will represent you and pitch you, coordinate interviews)
  • pitch yourself

At visibility on purpose, we teach business owners how to grow their audience, expand their reach and land top tier media without having to pay for a publicist.

But back to the main point, you need to be at the right stage in your business to do this.

Imagine getting featured on a huge podcast that gets 120k download per episode, but you have no social presence, email list or products to sell. yeah you will get brand exposure, but it's smarter to have your business READY for your success.

So as with anything in life, it's a bit of the chicken and the egg argument—what comes first?

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