Revolutionizing PR and why it matters for small business owners

pr Jun 29, 2023

Just like with book publishing and Amazon KDP, there is a revolution happening in the PR and media space as well.

With the advent of amazon KDP, anyone can self publish their own book, for better or for worse, depending on your opinion.

The same shift of the gatekeepers is happening in the PR and Media space. Instead of needing to be famous, a celebrity, or a well known brand, anyone can represent themselves and introduce their business to the media.

You don't need a publicist to represent your business or introduce your brand to the media.

You can do it yourself.

To us, this is just another example of the Age of Aquarius, a time in history where we shift from patriarchal and hierarchical power structures to grassroots movements. This can be seen with the decline in organized religion, loss of trust in government organizations and more. Basically all top down structures are changing, and the power is shifting back into the hands of the people. With technology, we have access to all information, and the information is not hidden away for only the rich or powerful these days. It's available to us all.

With these changes, there are grass roots revolutions forming.

And publishing books, getting yourself in media or even starting a business using social media are just a few of the examples.

Now is the time to realize that the gatekeepers are the past aren't there anymore.

Knowledge is at your fingertips.

Will you put it into action?

How to Begin Your PR Journey

We recommend reading this article to learn more about what you need before introducing your brand to the media.


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